Monday, February 6, 2012

National Marriage Week

Hey Everyone,

Starting tomorrow is National Marriage Week. It goes from the 7th-14th. I have decided that I am going to do something nice for my husband each day for the next 7 days. I plan on giving him or sending him encouraging articles, poems, scripture, memories, about marriage in general and also our marriage specifically. I might also throw in there a few selfless acts of kindness like a massage, a foot rub, or make his favorite dessert, lunch, or dinner. I might send him a text, an email, or facebook post, just to let him know I am committed to him and our marriage.

I challenge you to do it with me, or at least a couple of the days. I know you might be thinking I do this every day already (but really) take this to the new extreme then and find a new way of showing him you love your marriage!

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