Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Camden Overload!!!!

Grandma and her first grandbaby!
Sisters plus Camden and Mitchell
I loved his wittle cheeks!

So big! He barely fit on my lap....
Mom and Camden...he wasn't very happy for our photo shoot...
It started off good, but ended up with this after a few minutes!
Camden with both of his favorite aunties!
Snuggling with Camden
Some play time!
Which means photo time!!!
I loved just holding his hands while he stared at me and sat on my lap.

Bath time! Such a cute naked butt!
Well I told you it would be picture overload once I got the CD back from the other camera. I accidentally deleted 2 cute ones too while trying to post all these for some reason. I miss this little guy so much. It seems like I am missing out on so much with him. :( Well enjoy the photos!

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