Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Years Celebration

Kristen, Heather and I
The Ladies!
Heith and I at Dinner
Left half of Table
Right half of table
Heather and Chris

Big Money Maker
The INTENSE Dice Game

Well this year for New Year's we did not throw our own party. It was Frank's 30th Birthday so we all went out to Outback for dinner and then over to a friend's parents house for New Years. It was a lot of fun, dispite the freezing weather. The guys played the dice game practically all night and us girls just tried to stay warm and hang out.
We celebrated my mom's birthday over at my Grandparent's house on Saturday afternoon. Grandma made us a yummy meal, and we had dessert and opened gifts. It was a lot of fun. Sunday after church, Heith went hunting and I did my big 12 mile run. The race is just less than 2 weeks away. The 12 mile run wasn't too bad. My ankles and knees were killing me by the time I was done but my endurance was fine! I can officially say I am ready! ready to hang up these running shoes once it is over. :) It has been very time consuming and takes a toll on your body. There were some positives, I dropped a few pounds, got a little less soft on the back side, and set a goal and actually worked towards it til the end. If you would have asked me 6 month to a year ago if I would ever do this, I would have told you no way. So January 16th, PF CHANGS 13.1 miles we come!

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