Thursday, September 30, 2010

Beth Moore Conference and 5K Race

This picture was of the ladies that did the Moon Valley Grasshopper Bridge 5k race at the church. A couple of us ran it and the others walked but it turned out to be a great day for the race. Our pink hats symbolized our team! Thanks for the ladies who participated I hope we can all participate in another one soon!
Lynette (Our hair stylist), My mom, my sister, and I all went to the Beth Moore Conference at Chandler Christian Church a few Saturday's ago. It was a teleconference that she was airing from Chicago. It was amazing. It was on kindness. She was reminding/encouraging us woman to speak with kindness. It is not a sign of weakness to be too kind. She was such a fun speaker to listen too. It was nice day to share with my mom and sister.

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